Today, Democracy Now! brings part two of a discussion with Paul Robeson, Jr., son of the singer, actor and activist Paul Robeson, who believes that the CIA poisoned his father with the mind-altering drug BZ.
In the 1950s, in the midst of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency developed a highly classified psychological warfare program called MK Ultra. After the Second World War, the Western intelligence community became interested in the use of mind control drugs when it was learned that Nazi scientists engaged in similar experimentation. Described as the CIA’s version of the Manhattan Project, MK Ultra was developed in response to rumors that the Soviets planned to plant brainwashed assassins in the White House and other citadels of Western power.
Last Thursday on Democracy Now!, Paul Robeson, Jr. spoke about a doctor that treated his father who had links to the program. He joins us again today to continue the discussion. We will also talk with an expert in psychological warfare who can shed light on the possible role that U.S. and British intelligence may have played in the poisoning of Robeson, Sr.
- Paul Robeson, Jr.
- Mike Minnicino, historian on MK Ultra and British Intelligence.
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