In the days since the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, people of all faiths and even little faith haveflocked to churches, mosques and synagogues seeking comfort, prayer and a sense of meaning in the midst of suffering.Mainstream religious leaders around the country have organized interfaith prayer services proclaiming unity andpreaching tolerance, such as the one held yesterday at Yankee Stadium that was attended by 50,000 people. It waspresided over by the Commander of the Pacific Fleet, who prayed for God to be on the side of the United States as itprepares to go to war.
But there has been another religious response as well, one that mirrors the peace movement now springing up incommunities around the country. Many prominent Jewish, Muslim and Christian leaders are moving beyond mourning andprayer to mobilization and protest, seeking a religious response to terrorism consistent with progressive values andthe likelihood of war.
- Rev. Jim Wallis, Sojourners Magazine.
- Rabbi Michael Lerner, Editor, Tikkun Magazine.
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