“The point of nonviolence is to build a strong newfloor beneath which we can no longer sink; a platformwhich stands a few feet above napalm, torture,exploitation, poison gas, A and H bombs, [and] theworks. Give a man a decent place to stand. He’s beenwallowing around in human blood and vomit and burntflesh screaming how it’s going to bring peace to theworld”. The words of folk singer and peace activistJoan Baez from her first memoir Daybreak.
In 1972 Joan Baez traveled to North Vietnam todistribute mail and Christmas presents to Americanprisoners of war. Hanoi also received a Christmaspresent from President Nixon and Secretary of StateHenry Kissinger that year: the heaviest bombing in thehistory of the world. Joan Baez found herself in themidst of the notorious US Christmas bombing of Hanoi. She remembers eleven days and nights of heavy aerialbombing and widespread death and destruction. Todaywe are joined in the studio by Joan Baez.
- Joan Baez, Folk Singer and Antiwar and Human RightsActivist. She was in Hanoi during 1972 Christmas Bombing.
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