FBI Director Robert Mueller is testifying on Capitol Hill today and may face questioning about a controversial FBI domestic surveillance program that collects racial and ethnic data. The American Civil Liberties Union and the group Muslim Advocates have criticized the program, saying it invites unconstitutional racial profiling by law enforcement.
Farhana Khera, Executive Director of Muslim Advocates: “Based on what we’ve seen, there’s a section that deals with what’s called geomapping, or the gathering of racial and ethnic data about racial and ethnic communities across the country, that’s really just deeply disturbing and would really be an unprecedented abuse of FBI resources to basically gather all sorts of information about racial and ethnic communities that goes beyond just what you might think of as demographic information about where people live to include information about financial transactions, about charitable giving activities, about their vocations, the jobs they hold, things of that nature. And this is all not without any kind of basis that these particular individuals they’re collecting information on are engaging in any kind of criminal activity. It’s just a generalized 'get to know' all of these communities and collect information on them.”