In South Carolina, Republican candidate Donald Trump sealed his place as front-runner, winning the primary with 32.5 percent of the vote. Florida Senator Marco Rubio closely beat Texas Senator Ted Cruz for second place. Trump’s victory came a day after he cited a story about a U.S. general who supposedly executed Muslim prisoners a century ago using bullets dipped in pigs’ blood. There’s no evidence the story Trump told about General John Pershing’s actions in the Philippines is actually true.
Donald Trump: “And he took the 50 terrorists, and he took 50 men, and he dipped 50 bullets in pig’s blood. You heard that, right? He fit—he took 50 bullets, and he dipped them in pig’s blood. And he had his men load his rifles, and he lined up the 50 people, and they shot 49 of those people. And the 50th person, he said, 'You go back to your people, and you tell them what happened.'”