Hillary Clinton has secured the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, becoming the first woman to head the ticket of a major party in U.S. history—even as the nominating process was marked by dissent on the convention floor. During the roll call vote, Bernie Sanders joined the Vermont delegation and then moved to give Clinton the party’s presidential nomination by acclamation.
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “Madam Chair, I move that the convention suspend the procedural rules. I move that all votes, all votes cast by delegates, be reflected in the official record. And I move that Hillary Clinton be selected as the nominee of the Democratic Party for president of the United States.”
But hundreds of Sanders supporters walked off the convention floor in protest and headed to the nearby media tent. This is Vermont delegate Shyla Nelson.
Shyla Nelson: “This was an entirely organic, grassroots, non-hierarchical effort among a group of grassroots—a group of delegates who were hearing increasingly deep, deep concerns from constituents that their voices were not going to be heard at this convention, and a feeling of moral obligation to ensure that we do what we can to represent them as they would want us to represent them here.”
The Sanders delegates later took over the media tent and held a sit-in. Many taped their mouths shut, with the word “silenced” written in marker over the tape. Meanwhile, inside the convention center, former President Bill Clinton spoke about Hillary Clinton.
Bill Clinton: “When I was president, I worked hard to give you more peace and shared prosperity, to give you an America where nobody is invisible or counted out. But for this time, Hillary is uniquely qualified to seize the opportunities and reduce the risk we face, and she is still the best darn changemaker I have ever known.”
Later, Hillary Clinton addressed the convention center via video stream. Her video began with an image of a glass montage of all 44 male presidents shattering, symbolizing the shattering of the glass ceiling.
Hillary Clinton: “What an incredible honor that you have given me! And I can’t believe we just put the biggest crack in that glass ceiling yet. Thanks to you and to everyone who’s fought so hard to make this possible. This is really your victory. This is really your night. And if there are any little girls out there who stayed up late to watch, let me just say: I may become the first woman president, but one of you is next.”
That was Hillary Clinton, speaking via video stream from New York. Outside the convention center, crowds demonstrated late into the night. The media collective Unicorn Riot reports authorities used pepper spray against crowds protesting outside the gates of the convention center. It also reports former Green Party vice-presidential candidate Cheri Honkala was arrested.
Meanwhile, across Philadelphia, thousands of people protested during the day Tuesday. In North Philadelphia, hundreds marched for hours in the heat in a “Black Resistance” demonstration demanding an end to police brutality and state violence. This is Chenjerai Kumanyika speaking about Hillary Clinton’s 1996 comments in which she called some black youth “superpredators.”
Chenjerai Kumanyika: “Hillary Clinton has never really fully or adequately accounted for her comments, which are not just comments but actually a policy that she lobbied for and her husband pushed through, which resulted in people being incarcerated at tremendous, unprecedented levels. We’re still dealing with the impact of that. That’s why the language that we hear about a broken system—for a system to be broken, it had to work. And this policing and criminal justice has never worked in the United States for African Americans.”
Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe told Politico Tuesday that he believes Hillary Clinton would support the Trans-Pacific Partnership if she is elected president. McAuliffe is a close friend of the Clintons. When asked by Politico if Clinton would change her position and support the deal if elected, McAuliffe said, “Yes. Listen, she was in support of it. There were specific things in it she wants fixed.” Clinton had supported the deal, but then came out opposing it last October amid the close primary against Bernie Sanders, who has long opposed the TPP.
Meanwhile, Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight blog is reporting Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are now equally unpopular among the American public. A recent Gallup poll shows the two candidates had the exact same unfavorability rating of 58 percent. Throughout the election season, multiple polls have shown both candidates to be historically unpopular. This comes as President Obama has said it’s possible Trump may win in November. This is President Obama speaking with NBC’s Savannah Guthrie.
President Barack Obama: “Anything is possible. It is the nature of democracy that until those votes are cast and the American people, you know, have their say, we don’t know.”
More than 40 people were arrested Tuesday in front of the Governor’s Mansion in St. Paul, Minnesota, protesting the police killing of Philando Castile in nearby Falcon Heights earlier this month. Demonstrators have been camped in front of the mansion for weeks. On Tuesday, officers made arrests after telling protesters they could not have tents, tarps or chairs—anything that could be used for an occupation. Meanwhile, in Rochester, New York, some of the more than 70 people arrested at a Black Lives Matter protest there earlier this month appeared in court Tuesday. Among them was 22-year-old Sapphire Williams, who was arrested at the protest while speaking on camera with a local TV reporter. She and her lawyer said Tuesday she will fight her charges.
Sapphire Williams: “If I know and understand my rights as a U.S. citizen as I learned them to be, it was absolutely unjust and wrong.”
Van White: “You’ve seen the video. It’s really quite disturbing to think that someone could be going about their business, speaking, utilizing their First Amendment right, and then, because of what they said, someone says, 'I don't like that. I’m going to arrest them.’ That’s apparently what happened. Justice delayed is justice denied. She’s entitled to walk into court on August the 3rd and have this case dismissed immediately.”
Here in Philadelphia, more than a dozen members of the group Showing Up for Racial Justice dropped a banner this morning from an overpass over Interstate 676 reading “White people say: Black lives matter!” This is Rebecca Subar.
Rebecca Subar: “We’re standing here on the Vine Street Expressway in Philadelphia over the interstate. This is I-676, and this is the highway that leads from Valley Forge—you’ll recognize the name—where a lot of the delegates for the Democratic convention will be driving right now. And as they pass, they’re now seeing a sign that we’ve just put up. It’s five feet high and 30 feet wide. It’s black on white. And it says '#White People Say: Black Lives Matter!!!' Black lives matter is a message for all of us. And it’s work out in the world to change the system, and it’s work internally to get with our own fears and to try to overcome them, so that we can help to be part of changing the system.”
Meanwhile, former basketball star Michael Jordan has spoken out for the first time about police violence. A statement released by Jordan said: “As a proud American … and a black man, I have been deeply troubled by the deaths of African Americans at the hands of law enforcement and angered by the cowardly and hateful targeting and killing of police officers.” On Tuesday, Jordan donated $1 million to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and another $1 million to the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
ISIS is taking credit for the slaying of a French priest in Normandy on Tuesday. Witnesses said two men came into the church during a morning service and slit the throat of 85-year-old Father Jacques Hamel as parishioners watched in horror. Police who arrived at the church shot the two attackers dead.
The White House has announced it will substantially expand a program to admit Central American refugees into the United States. Unaccompanied Central American children are currently allowed to enter the United States as refugees. The new regulations will expand that designation to include their entire families, permitting siblings over the age of 21, parents and other relatives. The change comes after tens of thousands of unaccompanied children and families from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have arrived at the U.S. border since 2014. The number of mothers with children and unaccompanied minors arriving at the U.S. border reportedly rose late last year amid increasing violence in El Salvador and Honduras.
Lawyers in Turkey report people arrested after the failed coup are facing rape, torture and beatings in detention. Tens of thousands of people have been arrested or removed from their jobs. The Turkish government has been accused of widely violating civil and human rights as it seeks to root out the coup plotters. Many detainees are being held in informal detention centers. Turkey’s state of emergency allows for detention without charge for 30 days. It also allows the government to listen to all conversations detainees have with their lawyers. Turkey has also issued arrest warrants for more than 40 journalists.
About 150 refugees are in the third day of a hunger strike in a field in Serbia on the border with Hungary. They are demanding passage to the European Union. Most of the group is from Afghanistan and Pakistan. These are Afghan refugees Abdul Malek and Ruhu Amin.
Abdul Malek: “We are on hunger strike. We’re not really eating anything. As you can see, the food is over there. Nobody wants to eat, just drinking, and they’re sitting in the day.”
Ruhu Amin: “The refugee crisis is not, you know, an issue which must be dealt by only one nation. It’s a global issue. And we want attention and, you know, focus from world and global leaders.”
Meanwhile, in Canada, about 50 immigrants imprisoned in detention centers in Ontario have entered the 15th day of a hunger strike. The strikers say they will continue until they are able to meet with Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale. The strikers are demanding Canada limit detention to 90 days and stop putting immigrant detainees in maximum security prisons.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is pressing Australian leaders to agree on legislation that would allow for indefinite imprisonment of people convicted of terrorism. Under the legislation, people convicted of terrorism would serve their sentences and then be subject to periodic reviews to determine whether it would be safe to release them. Opposition leaders said they needed more information about the law before voting.
A district judge in Texas has dismissed the last remaining criminal charges against two anti-choice activists behind the secretly filmed, heavily edited videos of Planned Parenthood officials. David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt had been indicted for tampering with government records, a felony, in connection with videos that were edited to falsely accuse Planned Parenthood of profiting off donations of fetal tissue.
An employee of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, has filed a complaint calling the fund’s working environment a “cauldron of fear and intimidation.” He also says he was a victim of sexual harassment by his supervisor. The complaint describes an atmosphere of constant surveillance, high security and fear of retribution for stepping out of line. Bridgewater manages more than $150 billion in assets each year.
And in New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University has placed a gag order on dishwasher Corey Menafee, who broke a stained-glass window depicting smiling enslaved Africans carrying bales of cotton. Menafee broke the window in Yale’s residential dorm Calhoun College, named after former Vice President John C. Calhoun, one of the most prominent pro-slavery figures in American history. Yale fired Menafee. He was also charged with felony mischief. But after widespread condemnation of Yale’s actions, the charges were formally dropped, and Menafee was offered his job back. But Menafee’s agreement with Yale now prohibits him from speaking about his case. Earlier this month, Manafee spoke to Democracy Now!
Corey Menafee: “You know, it’s a picture—it was a picture that just—you know, as soon as you look at it, it just hurts. You feel it in your heart, like, oh, man—like here in the 21st century, you know, we’re in a modern era where we shouldn’t have to be subjected to those primitive and degrading images.”
Click here to see our full interview with Corey Menafee.
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