Protests continued to break out on the floor of the Democratic National Convention Thursday, as chants of “No more war” could be heard throughout the final night. Scores of Sanders delegates wore fluorescent green shirts reading “Enough is Enough,” which appeared to glow in the dark whenever the arena lights dimmed in between speakers. Many delegates also held signs reading “Ban Fracking Now,” “#DNC Email Leaks” and “Jill Stein.” Democracy Now! met up with one group of delegates from California just after they walked out.
AMY GOODMAN: There were also protests on the floor of the convention, with chants of “No more war” heard throughout the evening. Scores of Sanders delegates wore fluorescent green shirts reading “Enough is enough,” which appeared to glow in the dark whenever the arena lights dimmed in between speakers. Many of these delegates also held signs reading “No More Wars,” “Ban Fracking Now,” “#DNC Email Leaks” and “Jill Stein.” Some delegates walked off the floor of the DNC in protest. Democracy Now! caught up with one of the groups from California just after they walked out.
CALIFORNIA DELEGATE: Jill, not Hill! Jill, not Hill! Jill, not Hill!
JOSE NAVARRETE: My name is Jose Navarrete, and I’m from California District 29 as a delegate. And our delegation just walked out right now. Some of the other state delegations are out also, as well. We felt that what Hillary had to offer wasn’t enough. We were hoping for an apology, but since how she is, she’ll never apologize for things that she ever does that cause destruction to our nation.
MARTHA MEDRANO: My name is Martha Medrano, from San Fernando Valley, California, representing District 29. We’re just not OK with everything that happened in this primary to just be swept under the rug, under this brush of unity. There is no unity without reform, and until that happens, until they acknowledge that this was rigged. It’s obvious that something happened, that it was not fair, and they know this. So, we’re just making it clear that we will not—we will not forget. We will remember.
CALIFORNIA DELEGATES: Find our votes! Find our votes! Find our votes! Find our votes!
ANGELICA DUENAS: My name’s Angelica Duenas, and I’m from San Fernando Valley. We’re saying, “Find our votes.” There’s over 2 million votes that were purged in California. We are still waiting for our votes to be counted. This nomination is invalid. When a team cheats, it’s disqualified. She is not a valid nominee. It’s an invalid nomination.
CARLOS MARROQUIN: My name is Carlos Marroquin. I am from California. And we represent literally millions of young people that gave their lives, that put their lives on hold, so that they can actually go out there and register other people to vote. We have children. We want to teach them the right way. We want to teach them responsibility, to vote. Yet they are not—they cannot do that. We cannot do that in good faith, to tell them, “Go ahead and be a Democrat, because they are going to stand up for the rights of the people.” They’re not doing that. Why? Why is it that they are so quiet, suppressing the vote of the people? It hurts us. It hurts us to do this. And if you think that we are leaving out of this convention inspired, you’re wrong. We are leaving out of here divided. We have broken hearts.
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