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Families of 737 Crash Victims Protest as Boeing Shareholders Meet in Chicago

HeadlineApr 30, 2019

In Chicago, Boeing held its first annual shareholders’ meeting since fatal crashes of its 737 MAX airplanes in Indonesia and Ethiopia killed 346 people. Outside the meeting, family and friends held a silent protest demanding Boeing executives be criminally prosecuted. The demonstration was organized by the family of 24-year-old Samya Stumo, who died March 10 when Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 crashed due to a faulty flight control system. Stumo is the grandniece of consumer advocate Ralph Nader. As Boeing’s shareholders met, families of the crash victims held an emotional news conference to discuss their lawsuit against Boeing. Paul Njoroge, who lost his wife and three young children in the Ethiopian Airlines crash, said he stays up at night thinking about the horror his family endured as pilots struggled to keep the plane flying for six minutes.

Paul Njoroge: “Those six minutes will forever be embedded in my mind. I was not there to help them; I couldn’t save them. It was up to Boeing and the others in charge to save them. We paid for a safe flight, but instead my family and others in that plane have suffered a profound loss that can never be mended.”

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