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Climate Crisis Puts Over 1 Billion Children at “Extremely High Risk” of Extreme Weather

HeadlineAug 23, 2021

A new report by UNICEF warns nearly half of the world’s 2.2 billion children are at “extremely high risk” of severe floods, heat waves, drought and other impacts of the climate crisis. Some of the highest-risk countries include India, Nigeria and the Central African Republic — and other nations that are responsible for less than 1% of greenhouse gas emissions. The first-of-its-kind report was published in collaboration with Greta Thunberg and other youth climate activists on the third anniversary of Thunberg’s first student strike outside the Swedish parliament.

In more climate news, a new study shows deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has hit its highest annual rate in a decade. Since August of last year, the Amazon has lost over 10,000 square kilometers — an area roughly 13 times bigger than New York City.

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