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Palestinian Health Officials Declare Polio Epidemic in Gaza

HeadlineJul 30, 2024

The Palestinian Ministry of Health has declared an epidemic of polio, after Israel’s devastating assault decimated Gaza’s health, water and sanitation infrastructure, leading to an outbreak of the viral disease. On Monday, health officials called on Israel to immediately halt its offensive in order to combat the spread of polio by restoring access to potable water, personal hygiene, sewage networks and waste collection. Displaced Palestinians sheltering in Khan Younis say diseases are spreading rapidly.

Awan Abu Odeh: “We, as mothers, along with our children, are suffering from skin diseases. Our skin has begun to show spots in both moms and kids, young and old. Everyone is starting to suffer from this problem. We have been struggling with a lack of cleaning supplies for a while, like shampoo, soap, sponges, chlorine. We are living in tents, in sand, among insects, lacking in hygiene.”

Drop Site News reports video posted online by an Israeli soldier shows the calculated demolition of a chief water facility in Rafah. In 2003, the U.S. human rights activist Rachel Corrie spent much of her time during the last month of her life helping to protect the water facility, also known as the Canada Well. Corrie was crushed to death by an Israeli military bulldozer later that year while nonviolently defending a Gaza home from demolition.

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