What did you listen to this MLK Day? Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman spoke with the arts and culture magazine BlackBook about what songs and interviews are on her mind.
Sara Spruch-Feiner writes, “Every morning, for as long as I can remember, Amy Goodman’s voice has streamed through the radio, and then the television, as she fearlessly broadcasts, Democracy Now!, The War and Peace Report on 1300 public TV and radio stations around the world. This morning, Goodman broadcast a long-lost speech by Dr. King. When she was done, she took some time to chat with us about the songs she listens to, and interviews she’s done, that feel particularly relevant today.”
Head over to BBook.com to see Amy Goodman’s playlist, along with playlists by Ta-Nehisi Coates and others.
To see more Democracy Now! specials featuring Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. and his colleagues in the Civil Rights Movement click here.