- Juan Gonzálezformer minister of education of the Young Lords.
- Iris Moralesattorney and director of education at the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund and maker of the new film Palante, Siempre Palante! The Young Lords.
- juan ramosfounder of Philadelphia Young Lords and currently the vice chair of that city’s police advisory commission. Recipient of the Cesar Chavez Community Service Award from the U.S. Hispanic Leadership Conference.
- Minerva Sollaformer Young Lord and current union organizer for 1199SEIU.
Tonight, and on the coming weeks in many public television stations, a new documentary will debut that looks back at the Puerto Rican civil rights movement led by the young Lords in the 1960 and 70s. The Young Lords were a militant Latino group that rose up in the barrios of Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia and other major cities. Like the Black Panthers, the Lords galvanized a generation of activists to provide much needed services to communities long ignored by politicians.
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