Sam Husseini from the Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) discusses the impact on basic rights after the introduction of anti-terrorism legislation which he believes is unconstitutional. He discusses the media bias in reporting that mideast terrorist were involved in the Oklahoma city bombing. Sam Husseini wrote and article in the Washington Post: Profile in Unfairness: In the Shadow of Tragedy.He writes about how the airlines are ethnically profiling people while the media ignores the discrimination Laura Vidal explains how EL AL Israel Airlines prevented her from flying to Israel because she was deemed as a security threat.
Sam Husseini also wrote about Imad Hamad who is threatened with deportation proceeding. The INS claimed he was a member of the Popular Liberation Front of Palestine (PFLP). His lawyer Noel Salah from the American Civil Liberties Union in Michigan, explains the accusation of membership with the PFLP was dismissed in a previous court case and therefore not relevent to his application for permanent residency. Imad Hamad continues to fight for his right to stay in the USA.
Segment Subjects: Sam Husseini; FAIR; ACLU; Imad Hamad
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