- Jimmy Landanowrongly incarcerated for killing a police officer.
- Leslie Haginlegislative director of National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.
- Bud Welchfather of a victim of the Oklahoma City bombing.
- Nick Gessdirector of intergovernmental relations, Justice Dept.
The counterterrorism bill passed in the House yesterday is called weak by Clinton after a bipartisan coalition voted to remove clauses in the bill they believed would have given federal law enforcement agencies too much power. However, it weakens the access of convicted citizens to habeas corpus. Guests Jimmy Landano and Leslie Hagin argue about the importance of the right to habeas corpus, both in Mr. Landano’s personal case and for the entire criminal justice system. Bud Welch argues that the bill deals with many issues tangential to security, but does not provide the necessary funds to law enforcement agencies to actually prevent acts of terrorism. Nick Gess defends the bill by claiming it only raises the standard for habeas corpus, without making it unattainable.
Segment Subjects (keywords for the segment): counterterrorism bill, habeas corpus, Oklahoma City bombing
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