- Karen NussbaumFounder of '9-5', the national association of working women in offices. Head of the women’s Bureau in the US Federal department of Labor in 1993-1996 Head of Women’s Department at AFL-CIO
- Laura FlandersHead of Women’s Bureau at FAIR the Media Watch group
Karen Nussbaum founded 9 to 5, the National Association of Working Women, in 1973. The organization represents women office workers. President Clinton appointed her to head the Women’s Bureau at the Department of Labor. Now, Nussbaum has left the Administration to head up a new Women’s Department of the AFL-CIO, the union’s attempt to reach out to women workers who make up an increasing number of temporary workers, workers in heavy industry, and workers forming unions. Also, Laura Flanders, head of the Women’s Bureau of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting will join the discussion and focus on how women’s work issues are covered in the media.
Segment Subjects: Working Women’s Rights, AFL-CIO, FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), NAFTA, Minimum Wage, Sweat Shops.
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