- Jeff BallingerWho heads up Press for Change, a group that has been focussing on Nike’s activities in Indonesia
- Medea BenjaminCo-director of Global Exchange, a human rights advocacy group based in San Francisco
- Charlie KernaghanDirector of the National Labor Committee in New York plus interview with Donna Gibbs, head of corporate communications for Nike
Labor Secretary Robert Reich held his Fashion Institute Forum yesterday on sweatshops at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia. While many corporate executives attended from Nike, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Liz Claiborne and other companies that have been criticized for using sweatshop labor, there were few voices from labor. In fact one worker was kept out of the meeting. CiCih Sukaesih was fired from a Nike plant for union organizing in 1992. While she wasn’t allowed into the Sweatshop Summit, this is what she had to say two days ago when she was part of a news conference in front of Foot Locker here in Washington DC, the chain store that sells Nike products tape.
Pacifica’s questioning of Kathie Lee Gifford before she testified before a House subcommittee hearing on Child Labor.
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