- CHERRENE HORAZUKThe executive director of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. She just returned from El Salvador where she was monitoring local and municipal elections held on March 16.
For ten years, Washington and the El Salvadoran army fought a brutal and expensive war against the rebel Farabundo Marti Liberation Front or FMLN. Today the battleground has shifted away from the rural killings fields to the electoral arena. But the antagonists are the same — the FMLN on the left, and the death squad-linked ARENA party on the right.
Yesterday, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal of El Salvador officially announced the results of municipal and legislative elections held on March 16. And the now legal FMLN is claiming a resounding victory.
Joining us to talk about the elections in El Salvador is Cherrene Horazuk, the executive director of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador. She just returned from El Salvador where she was monitoring local and municipal elections held on March 16.
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