- Cindy Sheehanco-founder of Gold Star Families For Peace. Her son Casey was killed in Baghdad on April 4, 2004.
- HELEN STEELAn English activist being sued by McDonald’s for allegedly distributing a 6-page leaflet that criticized the companies environmental record and the nutritional value of McDonald’s food.
In 1990, McDonald’s filed a libel suit against two activists involved with London Greenpeace in England for allegedly distributing a six-sided fact sheet entitled “What’s Wrong With McDonald’s?” The pamphlet criticized McDonald’s environmental record and questioned the nutritional value of burger and fries.
McLibel — as the case is known — is now the longest trial of any kind in English history, and has stimulated worldwide publicity and protests. The McLibel Two — Helen Steel and David Morris — are defending themselves against McDonald’s team of top libel lawyers, and the defense is funded entirely by donations from the public.
Joining us to talk about the case is Helen Steel, one of the activists being sued by McDonald’s.
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