- Bryan McCannmember of the Save Kenneth Foster campaign and an activist with the Campaign to End the Death Penalty.
- Lawrence FosterKenneth Foster’s grandfather
- Tasha FosterKenneth Foster’s wife
- Nydesha FosterKenneth Foster’s 11-year-old daughter.
- Kenneth Fosterdeath row prisoner in Texas. Interview recorded by Renee Feltz.
The United Nations routinely speaks of freedom and democracy, yet the world body is a profoundly undemocratic organization. The big five, China, Britain, France, Russia, and the United States dominate war and peace issues in the Security Council. In the UN organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, it is one dollar, one vote. Many organizations and NGOs have launched new efforts to democratize The United Nations. Talking about these efforts are the two guests of the program; Jim Paul head of Global Policy Forum, a research and advocacy organization that focuses on the United Nations and the international issues and Bill Pace of the World Federalist Movement, a group founded after World War II by such luminaries as Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell. They talk about the United nations and fundamental reforms needed in the decision making processes extending the rights of the citizen groups to the work of the General Assembly
and other areas of the UN.
Segment Subjects (keywords for the segment): United Nations, Global Policy Forum, International Monetary Fund, World Federalist Movement
Guest Names: Jim Paul, Bill Pace
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