- Jeremy Scahillis author of the New York Times bestseller, “Blackwater: the Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army.” He testified on Friday’s hearing at the Senate Democratic Policy Committee on “Abuses in Private Security and Reconstruction Contracting in Iraq.”
Documents withheld from Senate investigators until this week show that an Asian businessman who tried to funnel money to the Democrats visited the White House ten times. The documents show that the businessman known as Mr. Wu once dined with the President. Fred Thompson, chair of the committee investigating campaign finance abuse, angrily accused the White House of withholding the documents until after Tuesday’s hearing which explored Wu’s dealings. The committee heard testimony that Wu wired money to one-time Clinton supporter Charlie Trie who tried to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democrats.
Taped Excerpts:
• Michael Cardozo, head of Clinton’s legal defense fund questioned by Senators John Glenn (D-OH) and Bob Bennett (R-UT).
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