Over the past few weeks, we have done a number of shows on the CNN story that charged that the U.S. military used sarin gas on American defectors during the secret war in Laos. New allegations have emerged that the United States maintained an active chemical weapons program in Panama for 40 years and conducted chemical weapons tests there beginning in 1941.
A coalition of groups headed by the Fellowship of Reconciliation today will release their report in several U.S. cities and in Panama describing the U.S. military’s storage, testing and disposal of chemical and biological weapons in Panama. The report called, “Test Tube Republic: Chemical Weapons Tests in Panama and U.S. Responsibility” charges that among other things, chemical weapons tests were conducted by the U.S. on human beings in Panama.
- John Lindsey-Poland, the coordinator for the Fellowship of Reconciliation’s Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean. Call: Fellowship of Reconciliation (415)495-6334.
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