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U.S. Revives Investigation of Fmr. Chilean Dictator Pinochet

HeadlineMar 23, 2000

The United States is reviving a long-dormant investigation of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. The probe is aimed at indicting Pinochet for the 1976 car bombing in Washington that killed former Chilean Ambassador Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt. A team of American law enforcement officials arrived in Santiago for court proceedings, involving 42 potential witnesses. They were subpoenaed by Chile’s Supreme Court on behalf of Washington. The chances are slim that Pinochet would be extradited to the U.S. if indicted, but an indictment could increase the pressure on Chile to try Pinochet for human rights abuses during his 17 years ruling Chile. The 84-year-old Pinochet returned to Chile earlier this month from London after successfully fighting extradition to Spain, where a judge wanted to try him for crimes against humanity.

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