This week’s Mobilization for Global Justice in Washington, D.C. was more highly integrated than the protests in Seattle. This was due to the work of the Ruckus Society, an organization that trains people to use non-violent confrontation in their campaign work. The group put their consensus-based, decentralized organization structure to use at the WTO protests in Seattle last November, and this week at the IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington. The D.C. police recently raided the Ruckus Society’s convergence space, confiscating the group’s training materials and medical supplies, and citing them with bogus fire violations.
- John Sellers, director of the Ruckus Society.
- David Taylor, student at Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington, and a member of the Direct Action Network
- Katya Komisaruk, member of the group Midnight Special Law Collective, a legal team which monitored the handling of protesters by police. Call: Midnight Special Law Collective 202.842.4479.
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