The United States and Britain bombed Iraq again yesterday. Iraq says that six civilians were injured during the raids by US and British warplanes. This bombing is the latest attack in what have become almost daily air strikes on Iraq. Baghdad says some 300 people have been killed in the bombings and more than 800 people injured since December 1998. More missiles have been dropped on Iraq than during the entire war against Yugoslavia.
These bombings are happening as the devastating economic sanctions led by the US and Britain enter their 10th year. All of this with little if any coverage from the corporate media in this country. Well, today we are breaking through this official silence. We are going to play excerpts from an explosive new documentary by the great filmmaker John Pilger. The documentary is called “Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq.” It has only aired on television in the United Kingdom. It has not aired in the US. This documentary could well be the definitive film on the sanctions and ongoing bombing against Iraq.
- “Paying The Price” Excerpt
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