One young Afghan man was beaten so severely in London, he is paralyzed from the neck down. An Asian man wasassaulted and had blue paint poured over him and his car.
A young Sikh Indian man from Seattle was screamed at, punched, and had tufts of his beard pulled out.
Two people from the Bronx have had their cars set on fire. Many others all over New York have been assaulted orharassed.
These people are all victims of hate crimes in the wake of September 11, and they are also all cabdrivers.
Over 60% of New York City’s cabdrivers are of Arab, South Asian, or North African descent. Thousands have stayed offthe job for fear of attack.
- Bhairavi Desai, staff organizer of the New York City Taxiworkers Alliance.
- Malik Ali, Pakistani cabdriver.
- Louis Molina, Latino cabdriver.
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