Two days ago Tariq Ali, a prominent Pakistani writer based in London, was arrested at the airport in Munich, Germany.His crime? Carrying a famous essay by Marx entitled “on suicide” and looking Central Asian.
Tariq Ali was eventually released, but his detention tells a useful story. Ali was arrested in Germany, whose GreenParty foreign minister supports the bombing; He is a prominent example of the treatment that people from Morocco toBangladesh have faced at airports not just in the US but in Europe, where racial profiling has become the norm. AndTariq Ali is a dissident, who has strongly criticized the attacks on Afghanistan and who was detained for carrying abook of essays by Marx, Germany’s most famous dissenter.
- Tariq Ali, a London-based Pakistani author and playwright. He is the author of ??NATO’s BalkanAdventure and the upcoming ??The Stone Woman, an Islamic Quintet.
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