The Bush Administration is continuing its massive military buildup in Central Asia in the face of increasing regionalopposition to the use of US military force. Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld is wrapping up his Mideast Tourhaving failed to gain the support of Arab states for the use of their territory as a base for launching attacksagainst Afghanistan. This as 1,000 US special forces troops head for Uzbekistan despite that government’sopposition to US operations in their country.
Here in the US opposition to impending military action continues to grow, with demonstrations and teach-ins takingplace around the country. We attended a teach in sponsored by the National Lawyers Guild here in New York whereleading scholars and activists analyzed the Bush Administration’s continued march to war and efforts to stop it.
- Abdeen Jabarra, civil rights lawyer and past president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee,speaking at New York Law School on October 3.
- Manning Marable, Professor of African American Studies at Columbia University and founder of the institutefor African American Studies, speaking at New York Law School on October 3.
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