As the U.S.-led war on terrorism mounts, global trade is increasingly being invoked as a new weapon system. U.S.Trade Representative Robert Zoellick dubs the new agenda “fighting terrorism through trade.” In the wake of theterrorist attack on America, the U.S. and Europe have intensified their efforts to launch a new round of global traderule negotiations at the WTO meetings scheduled this week, November 9-13 in Qatar. Canadian, US, European and SouthAmerican groups have called November 9th, the first day of the WTO meetings, as an international day of protestagainst the WTO.
But many believe the global trade system, embodied in the World Trade Organization, is itself a major source ofeconomic, social and political insecurity for many peoples around the world. And, as Tony Clark, co-chair of theCommon Front on the World Trade Organization, points out, the war against terrorism is being fought primarily on theissue of physical safety, not the deeper dimensions of common security.
- Tony Clark, Co-Chair of the Common Front on the World Trade Organization, Vice Chair with the Council ofCanadians.
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