The US-led “coalition against terrorism” promises that a draft UN Security Council resolution would stress theresponsibility of a transitional government in Afghanistan to eradicate “human rights violations” as well asterrorism. Lakhadar Brahimi, the UN special envoy, has said that any post-Taliban government would “reflect the willof the Afghan people”. But President George Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and the UN Security Council havenot demonstrated that they will insist on specific guarantees for the rights and representation of Afghan women.There has been no mention of women’s participation in decisions on future governance in Afghanistan.
Last March, well before September 11th attacks brought Afghanistan to the world’s attention, Iara Lee traveled toAfghanistan to make a short film about women’s lives. She stayed with and interviewed members of the Afghan groupHAWCA (Humanitarian Assistance to the Women and Children of Afghanistan), a nonpolitical group fighting forhumanitarian rights for women.
Any proceeds the documentary film makes will go to HAWCA.
- Iara Lee, Filmmaker.
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