Police in India claimed yesterday to have established a link between Pakistan’s intelligence service and last week’sattack on parliament in New Delhi that claimed 12 lives. Five men armed with AK-47s and explosives stormed thecomplex on Thursday, killing five policemen, a security guard and a gardener, and themselves.
India’s Foreign Minister said India had issued a formal complaint to the Pakistani high commission claiming it had”technical evidence” that the attack was the work of one of two Kashmiri Islamic militant groups: eitherLashkar-e-Taiba (the Army of the Pure) and Jaish-e-Mohamed (the Nation of Mohamed). India has given Pakistan anultimatum to shut down the two groups, which some link to the al-Qa’ida network. The Indian police said yesterdaythey had arrested three people as part of their investigation.
- Sputnik Kilambi, Free Speech Radio News correspondent in Hyderabad, India.
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