New questions have been raised about the fate and whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, after his face appeared on Qatar television yesterday. Al Jazeera station ran a preview of yet another videotape of bin Laden, which will run in its entirety, more than 30 minutes, today. Dressed in green military fatigues, a pale and gaunt bin Laden said he was speaking “three months after the blessed attack against the international infidels and its leaders, the United States, and two months after the beginning of the vicious aggression against Islam.” Several people, including Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf, have speculated he may have been killed in the U.S. bombing of the caves. Others believe he may have slipped away, possibly crossing the border into Pakistan. The U.S. War Department said it was not immediately sure what to make of the videotape showing bin Laden alive possibly as recently as two weeks ago. As for the former Taliban leader Mullah Muhammad Omar, Afghanistan’s new interim president, Hamid Karzai, says he believes he’s still in Afghanistan.
Osama bin Laden Appears on Videotape on Qatar Television
HeadlineDec 27, 2001