This weekend the Bush Administration announced its plans to expand the so-called war on terrorism to include a widearray of countries, including Somalia and Iraq. This as the U.S. continues to launch massive air strikes againstAfghanistan, killing hundreds of civilians over the weekend and further complicating efforts to get desperatelyneeded aid to millions of Afghans facing starvation.
The Bush Administration has persistently portrayed its actions since September 11 as a simple case of good versesevil, civilization verses barbarism, even after assembling a rogues’ gallery of allies with horrific records of humanrights abuses. Civilian victims of U.S. bombing in Afghanistan and those facing military action by the US and itsallies elsewhere might be forgiven for wondering where the line is drawn.
- Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a leadingscholar and critic of US foreign policy and the author of many books, including ??9-11, just published by SevenStories Press.
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