The 28 days that America devotes to black history have come to an end, and women’s history month has begun. But beforewe shift our focus, today we are going to play a speech by Randall Robinson, in which he criticized the very idea ofdevoting a single month to the history of groups that have been white-washed out of official narratives thosenarratives that dominate classrooms, movie theaters, and the media for all twelve months of every year.
Robinson also argued that reparations are a way to achieve racial justice. Tomorrow, we will take an in-depth look attwo institutions which, at least in the United States, have not yet been considered for reparations: the Rhodes Trust,which funds the Rhodes Scholarships, and De Beers, the international diamond mining corporation which Cecil Rhodesfounded.
- Randall Robinson, at Indigo Cafe and Books, a community bookstore in Brooklyn, New York. Robinson, founderand president of TransAfrica, is author of ??The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks.
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