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Hunger Strikers Protest Treatment of Leftist Prisoners in Turkey’s Prisons

HeadlineApr 20, 2001

This news from Istanbul, Turkey: After months of surviving on sugared or salted water, Zehra Kulaksiz lies on a cot in a makeshift house in the poor outskirts of Istanbul with barely the strength to talk. On the wall above her head is a picture of her 19-year-old sister Canan, who died of starvation on Sunday to protest the treatment of leftist prisoners in Turkey’s prisons. The prisoners have been transferred to new cells, where they are isolated and, according to their families, beaten daily. Despite the deaths of 14 hunger strikers, Turks and most in the West are largely ignoring the plight of Kulaksiz and 230 other fasters, including 222 prisoners that are loyal to progressive groups.

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