Anonymous FBI officials revealed yesterday that they have found more documents in Baltimore, Maryland that had beenwithheld from McVeigh’s defense attorneys. The execution of McVeigh, originally scheduled for May 16, has beendelayed until June 11 and possibly later, as McVeigh and his attorneys weigh possible appeals.
The Houston Chronicle also reported yesterday that Timothy McVeigh, in a letter to one of its reporters,denies that there ever was a “John Doe # 2” helping him to carry out the April 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City whichkilled 168 people. Terry Nichols, who is serving a life sentence for his role in the bombing, has always embracedthe possibility of a second John Doe.
The FBI has always insisted that Timothy McVeigh acted alone, despite mounting evidence that the bombing may havebeen the work of more than one person.
But what about the possibility of John Doe III or IV?
This is the question that Jeanne Boylan, the nation’s leading forensic artist, has been asking since she was broughtin by the FBI to help with the McVeigh case. Boylan has helped the FBI and other law enforcement officials identifysuspects in thousands of criminal cases. After spending more than 20 years studying the psychological effects oftrauma on perception and memory, Boylan pioneered a method of interviewing crime witnesses and victims to buildastonishingly accurate composite sketches of suspects, including the Unabomber and the killer of Polly Klaas.
Boylan recently wrote ??Portraits of Guilt, a widely acclaimed book in which she describes her technique and herparticipation in numerous crime investigations, including the Oklahoma City Bombing case. In the course of herinvestigation and witness interviews, Boylan developed composite sketches of several “John Does,” or unidentifiedsuspects, linked to Timothy McVeigh in the weeks leading up to the April 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Buildingin Oklahoma City.
- Jeanne Boylan, the nation’s leading forensic artist and author of ??Portraits of Guilt: The Woman WhoProfiles the Faces of America’s Deadliest Criminals.
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