South Africa has drafted a proposed document circulating at the UN world racism conference today which called for therecognition of the plight of the Palestinian people but stripped out language which US officials say brands Israel asa racist state.
The revised resolution was an attempt to bridge yawning gaps between the European Union and Arab states over languageon the Middle East situation. The United States and Israel quit the conference on Monday over what they said wasanti-Israeli language in a first draft document.
The document recognized the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the establishment of anindependent Palestinian state.
The proposed draft also said the Jewish Holocaust should never be forgotten. European diplomats gave their cautiousbacking to the revised text but conference sources said it is unclear if it will be supported by Arab states.
Meanwhile the fallout continues over the US withdrawal from the conference, which ironically has left grassrootsactivists as the de facto representatives of the U.S. in Durban. The continuing opposition of the US and Europeangovernments to language apologizing for slavery has likewise left Africans and African Americans wondering, why is itso hard for whites to apologize for and accept some responsibility for slavery and its legacy?
- Reverend Jesse Jackson, long time civil rights activist.
- Danny Glover, actor and civil rights activist.
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