- Masuda Sultana young Afghan-American woman who lost 19 members of her extended family when the US bombedtheir farm outside Kandahar several weeks ago.
- Rita Lasara native New Yorker who lost her brother in the World Trade Center on September 11.
From Colombia to Columbus, Ohio, the violence of the war on terrorism spans the globe.
On the morning of December 30, members of the oldest mosque in the city of Columbus arrived for their morningprayers. They found the historic, 3-story building flooded from top to bottom and the library ransacked, with books including the Holy Koran torn to pieces.
It appears that the police don’t have any leads. Columbus Police Commander Paul Denton said that finding who causedthe damage is, “going to hinge on someone knowing something giving us a call.” The FBI joined the investigation lastweek but will not comment.
Muslim community leaders met with Justice Department representatives yesterday to discuss issues of concern,including the mosque vandalism.
- Ahmad Al-Akhras, member of the mosque, and President of the Ohio Chapter of the Council onAmerican-Islamic Relations.
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