- Wendy Tabbresident, lower Manhattan, who had to leave her apartment because her symptoms were so severe.She still has not moved back.
- Joel ShufroExecutive Director, New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH).
- Dr. Stephen Levinmedical director, Mt. Sinai Hospital and the Irving J. Selikoff Center for Occupationaland Environmental Medicine.
- Joel KupfermanDirector, New York Environmental Law and Justice Project.
- Marilena ChristodoulouHead of the Stuyvesant High School Parents Association.
- Omar HenriquezSafety and Health Specialist, New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health(NYCOSH)
Israeli commandos killed four suspected Hamas militants during a raid early this morning on an alleged hideout in theWest Bank town of Nablus. Earlier this morning, Israel moved to re-occupy part of the West Bank, just hours after itseized control of the nearby city of Tulkarem. The Israeli army imposed a 24-hour curfew and sent troops door todoor. While Israeli forces have previously occupied positions in Palestinian-controlled territory, this is the firsttime in 16 months of conflict that they have taken over an entire city.
The raids in Tulkarem and Nablus follow four days of strikes, arrests, and house demolitions by the Israeli army. OnSaturday, Israeli troops entered the offices of the “Voice of Palestine” radio to lay explosive charges and clearaway its occupants. They blew up the five-story building.
Israel has said it is retaliating for a Palestinian attack that killed six people in northern Israel last Thursday,when a lone Palestinian gunman walked into a crowded bat mitzvah celebration and opened fire.
Yesterday we grabbed a rare moment with award-winning filmmaker, Rashid Masharawi, as he tried to run to collect hisvideo tapes in between bombings. He will then try to make his way out of the West Bank town of Ramallah and intoJordan to begin a tour of his latest documentary, “Live from Palestine.” The film chronicles the world inside andoutside the Voice of Palestine, the radio station that broadcasts the official positions of the PalestinianAuthority.
- Rashid Masharawi, Director, “Live from Palestine,” a documentary on the Voice of Palestine radio station.
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