- Alan Davisis the Project Coordinator for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting which published thereport.
- Michael Moorefilm-maker and author. His movies include “Roger and Me” and “The Big One”.
Film-maker Michael Moore recently wrote a letter to President George W Bush about his first year as President. Theletter is called “Hail George, Conqueror of Evildoers.” It begins:
“Dear George:
Hats off to you, sir, for a job well done! The Soviets tried for ten years to do what it took you only two months toaccomplish in Afghanistan. How did you do that? It’s funny how a couple months ago there were all these Taliban, andnow — there aren’t any! You must be some kind of super magician — almost as good at disappearing acts as ol’ Osama(or, as they say on the Fox Nuisance Channel, “Usama” — I like their spelling better, like “We put the 'USA' inUSAma!”).”
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