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Bush Threatens Military Action If Baghdad Fails to Disclose All Its Weapons

HeadlineOct 17, 2002

On Wednesday, President Bush issued an uncompromising challenge to Iraq and the U.N. Security Council, threatening military action if Baghdad fails to disclose all its weapons. Setting a low threshold for military action against Iraq, Bush insisted Saddam Hussein’s regime be required to issue “an accurate and full and complete accounting” of all weapons before the return of U.N. weapons inspectors. Failure to do this would be treated as a sign of its bad faith and aggressive intent. Negotiations over the U.S. draft resolution have been deadlocked for the past month, as the United States and France appear to have dug in to their respective positions. While diplomats still see room for compromise, Paris believes no resolution better than only one resolution, and Washington is insisting on one more resolution or nothing at all.

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