“From an American perspective two ominous trends havebeen developing since Sept 11, 2001 a growing Americanreadiness to hurt other people abroad, externalsadism, and a growing readiness too hurt itself athome, internal masochism. The readiness to hurt otherpeople abroad has taken the form increasing of themilitarization of American foreign policy and thereadiness to hurt ourselves is taking the form of theerosion of civil liberties,” said Kenyan Professor AliMazrui who teaches at the State University of New Yorkat Binghamton.
Mazrui ended the speech by stating:”The solution is not American militarism abroad and anAmerican police state at home. The answer is not togive freedom to Muslim women in Afghanistan whiletaking freedom away from Muslim men in the UnitedStates. We need a better equilibrium for the ideals ofthis country and for thre dreams of all its peple weneed a better chance and a better future … for ourchildren and grandchildren and indeed the remainingyears of our lives. Give us a break.”
- Ali Mazrui, professor at the State University ofNew York at Binghamton. He is also aProfessor-at-Large at the University of Jos inNigeria. He is perhaps best known as the presenter ofthe BBC/PBS TV series The Africans.
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