It is not only Arabs and Israelis who are protesting the Israeli invasion of the Occupied Territories. People in this country are also gearing up to protest U.S. military and corporate support for Israel.
Despite the mainstream media’s portrayal of the Bush Administration as disengaged from the conflict, the US could hardly be more involved. The US gives more aid to Israel than to any other country in the world, over $3 billion every year. With that money, Israel buys American stinger missiles, F16 jets, and Apache and Blackhawk helicopters. All have been used against civilians. Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, and GE all sell arms to Israel, and Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, and Nokia provide information and communications technology to the Israeli Defense Forces.
- Marc Lance, founding member of SUSTAIN, Stop US-Tax Aid to Israel Now!
- Marty Rosenbluth, country specialist for Israel, the Occupied Territories, and the Palestinian Authority for Amnesty International-USA.
- Robert Chlala, 3rd year undergraduate at University of California at Berkeley and member of Justice in Palestine.
- Vincent Lloyd, junior, Princeton University. He is one of the lead organizers of the school’s divestment campaign.
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