Former President Bill Clinton led the U.S. delegation to East Timor’s independence ceremony and inaugurated the U.S. embassy in Dili, East Timor. In his remarks Clinton celebrated the U.S. role in bringing about East Timor’s independence, ignoring his administration’s seven year record of support for the Indonesian military in spite of systematic human rights abuses. Journalist Allan Nairn had an opportunity to question President Clinton about U.S. policy toward East Timor during his administration.
- William Clinton, former President of the United States.
Also present at the opening of the U.S. embassy in Dili, East Timor was Brigadier General John Castlellaw, a U.S. Navy Commander who helped to organize the international force (INTERFET) which entered East Timor in September 1999 after Indonesia had burned the country to the ground. Allan Nairn and Amy Goodman also had a chance to question Brig. General Castlellaw about the U.S. military’s role in supporting the Indonesian armed forces.
- Amy Goodman and Allan Nairn question Brigadier General John Castlellaw.
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