At the height of the Gulf War, newsman Jon Alpert, a long-time contributor to NBC News, shot the only footage of thewar’s impact not censored by either Iraq or the U.S. Traveling with former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Alpertcaptured on camera what it was like to be on the ground during the allied bombing. In dramatic and often graphicscenes, the film “Nowhere To Hide” shows a far different reality than what most Americans saw on the nightly news.Although several networks initially expressed strong interest in the footage, all declined to air it, and NBC endedits long affiliation with Alpert, a seven-time Emmy-winner.
- Jon Alpert, filmmaker, journalist & founder of DCTV.
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We go now to a clip of 'Inside Iraq' excerpted from Alpert’s footage. The scene is Basra where people are standingnext to a gigantic crater filled with water and surrounded by rubble. The US had just bombed.
- Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General.
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