Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger turned 80 years old earlier this year. Although his birthday was on May 27th, he celebrated this past Sunday at the posh Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York City. Kissinger spoke at a black-tie birthday party in his honor where drinks were followed by dinner and dancing. Tickets sold for $1,500.
Kissinger served as secretary of state under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. He has been heavily criticized for his involvement with the overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Chile, President Salvador Allende; for the secret, illegal bombing of Cambodia in 1969; and the approval of U.S. military support for the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975.
A month after backing the bloody 1973 military coup in Chile, Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in Vietnam.
We play excerpts from the documentary “The Trials of Henry Kissinger,” featuring Seymour Hersh, William Saffire, Roger Morris, former Kissinger aides Alexander Haig Jr. and Brent Scowcroft and others.
We play excerpts from the documentary “The Trials of Henry Kissinger.” The film is directed by Eugene Jarecki, written by Alex Gibney, and narrated by Brian Cox. The documentary is based on a book by journalist Christopher Hitchens titled The Trial of Henry Kissinger.
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