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8 Die in Bombing of Baghdad Police Station; Spanish Diplomat Killed

HeadlineOct 09, 2003

At least 8 people have died after a car bomb exploded outside a police station in northeast Baghdad. Nearly 30 more people have been injured. U.S. officials said a suicide bomber drove a white Oldsmobile through the gates and detonated a bomb that left a crater in police courtyard 10 feet across and four feet deep. Meanwhile the Spanish Foreign Ministry reported that a Spanish diplomat was shot dead outside his home in Baghdad today. In other Iraq news, the U.S. announced they had detained 112 people in a major raid near the Syrian border on Sunday. Among those captured was a high-ranking official in the former Republican Guard.

House Panel OKs Sanctions Against Syria
On Capitol Hill, The House International Relations Committee voted 33 to 2 yesterday to impose sanctions against Syria. If the sanctions are signed into law, all U.S. exports to Syria would be barred except for food and medicine. Travel by Syrian diplomats in the U.S. would be severely curtailed to Washington and within 25 miles of the United Nations. U.S. businesses would be barred from holding investments in Syria. Syrian owned or controlled aircraft could no longer take off, land or fly over the United States. Syrian assets in the United States would also be frozen. The sanctions are expected to be approved by Congress and the White House.

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