U.S. general will run Iraq: Powell shares details of postwar strategy. This comes a day after Secretary of State General Colin Powell told the House International Relations Committee an American general will run Iraq for at least two years. But leaders of Iraq opposition groups who were briefed in Turkey last week by the U.S. said many of the Bush administration’s plans are deeply troubling. The postwar Iraq would rely on the current government infrastructure minus Saddam Hussein, and it would continue the dominance of Arab Sunnis, who represent 10 to 15% of the country’s 22 million population. The head of the Kurdish Democratic Party says he’s particularly concerned about Washington’s agreement to allow Turkey to occupy some Kurdish territory in northern Iraq. The Turkish government has killed thousands of Kurds. Leyla Zana, the Kurdish parliamentarian who dared to speak Kurdish in the Turkish parliament, remains in prison.
Powell: U.S. General Will Run Postwar Iraq
HeadlineFeb 13, 2003