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NYT: Bush and Blair Already Drafting Resolution Declaring Iraq Has Failed to Disarm

HeadlineFeb 14, 2003

The New York Times reports the Bush and Blair administrations are already drafting a Security Council resolution declaring the Iraqi government has failed to disarm and must now face unspecified “consequences.” They plan to present the resolution next week. It’s designed to counter French and German proposals to strengthen the weapons inspections and allow more time.

But the majority of the American people are in the French and German camp. According to a new New York Times/CBS poll, nearly 60% of Americans believe Bush should give the inspectors more time. Nearly 30% disapprove of toppling the Iraqi government, and that number rises to nearly half if a U.S. invasion would result in a U.S. occupation or substantial Iraqi civilian casualties. The poll also found that over half of Americans disapprove of the way Bush is handling the economy.

Meanwhile, South African President Thabo Mbeki today said an offer to help Iraq disarm its weapons of mass destruction has been accepted by both Baghdad and U.N. weapons inspectors.

Meanwhile, the London Independent is reporting senior Democrats say the CIA is sabotaging the inspections by refusing to cooperate fully with the U.N. and withholding crucial information about Iraq’s arsenal. Led by Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, they’re accusing the CIA of making an assessment that the inspections are unlikely to be a success, and then ensuring they would not be. The Democrats are accusing the CIA director of lying about what information on the suspected location of weapons of mass destruction has been passed on to inspectors.

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