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Anti-Syria Rhetoric of U.S. Officials Criticized by International Community

HeadlineApr 15, 2003

Secretary of State General Colin Powell accused Syria of harboring officials from Saddam Hussein’s government and threatened economic or diplomatic sanctions. White House spokesperson Ari Fleischer called Syria a “terrorist state” and a “rogue nation.” Donald Rumsfeld claims Syria has carried out chemical weapons tests in the last year. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon jumped on the opportunity and called Syrian President Bashar al-Assad dangerous. He urged Washington to put “very heavy political and economic pressure” on Syria.

Arab countries, Russia and the European Union have criticized U.S. rhetoric. Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa said he was astounded by the threats. An adviser to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak warned the Americans against the temptation to target one Arab country after another. Earlier, Russia and the European Union urged the United States to show restraint. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan warned that statements directed at Syria could destabilize the whole Middle East. British Prime Minister Tony Blair tried to reassure his Parliament and pledged there are no plans to invade Syria. And the Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Bouthaina Shaaban, said, “The only country in the region which has chemical, biological and nuclear weapons is Israel.” The Washington Post reports senior administration officials claim there are no plans to invade Syria.

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