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Beijing Closes Primary and Secondary Schools as Infections Mount and Virus Mutates

HeadlineApr 23, 2003

The city of Beijing has closed all its primary and secondary schools for at least two weeks. An announcement in this morning’s papers told the 1.7 million students to study at home. Hundreds of travelers wearing white masks are thronging Beijing’s railway stations desperate to flee the Chinese capital. The panic comes as the government has finally allowed state media to fully report on the disease, this according to Reuters. On Monday, China’s top official in charge of Beijing released a statement taking responsibility for providing late and inaccurate data on the epidemic. The Financial Times called the statement an act of contrition not seen since the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. Liu Qi’s statement came a day after the mayor of Beijing and China’s health minister were sacked. China acknowledged over 150 more infections yesterday, and Hong Kong authorities announced five more deaths. Meanwhile, China’s top genomics institute discovered that the virus is rapidly mutating. Hong Kong has announced a $1.5 billion package to help businesses reeling from the impact. In Singapore, the government threatened to jail people who are violating the quarantine. A team from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has arrived in Canada, after Canadian healthcare workers in two Toronto hospitals were exposed to the virus, despite taking all recommended precautions, including wearing goggles, gowns and a double set of gloves. About 7,000 people have been quarantined in Canada, where 14 people have already died from the virus.

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